Why iPhone and iPad app Development Is So Popular?

March 30, 2017
Why iPhone and iPad app Development Is So Popular?

Have you been wondering which platform to build your app on? Whether your business is a startup or an already established brand, it is important to look at the best mobile app development technology before launching your app. If you are keen enough, you will notice than while the mobile app development environment is highly competitive iOS apps remain the most popular for all types of users.

Why iPhone and iPad app Development Is So Popular

Dominance of iOS Mobile Apps

From Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Find my iPhone, Instagram, iTunes, Badoo, to LINE iOS, apps dominate the mobile app landscape. If you are an avoid iPhone and iPad user, you will already have noted that these are among the most popular apps on these devices. They rank highly not only in terms of usage but also revenue. Indeed, most of these apps also rule the rest of the mobile app landscape.

If you are struggling between iOS and Android app development, it is important to talk to an experienced mobile apps development company. These experts will help demystify the mobile development platforms while also providing the necessary expertise and resources to build a highly functional iPhone or iPad app. The numbers tell it all; currently, there are over 1.2 billion apps on the Apple App store and the number keeps growing.

Why go for iPhone and iPad Mobile app Development?

The fact that over 37% of mobile visits are now coming from mobile makes it necessary to have a mobile app that will tap into these growing user numbers. To leverage these numbers, you need an app that is developed and supported using the best technology. This is one reason iPhone and iPad mobile development remains popular even against an onslaught from other mobile app platforms.

Whether you are a mobile app developer or a business owner looking for a high performance mobile app, it is important to leverage the increasing number of users on mobile.

Below are some reasons to opt for iPhone and iPad mobile app development:

1. More paying customers:

Apple offers an image of quality and trust and this is something customers are willing to pay extra money. It is no wonder then that iOS apps account for 90% of total dollars spent on mobile apps.

2. Better user experience:

For a mobile app to attain its objectives, it must guarantee a good user experience. The regulated environment on Apple’s mobile development platform always receives praise from users due to the easy to use interface. This leads to higher sales.

3. Easy coding:

There are state-of-the-art features on Xcode, which is Apple’s integrated app development environment. From the graphical interface builder, compiler-aware source editor, to syntax-aware editor, these tools allow easy coding; a dream for every app developer.

4. The Apple brand name:

The mention of Apple in the IT industrygives confidence to users. The computing hardware and software company is renowned for its high quality products and business solutions. From iPhones, tablets, wearables to high quality app development, consumers already trust this company’s solutions. Your app will thus ride on the back of such creditworthiness.

There are many other reasons making iPad and iPhone app development so popular. Consider the versatility of apps, security of firmware and software, high scalability and you appreciate why iOS apps reign in the industry.

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Tech Savvy. Content Writer. Growth Hacker.
